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"Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time"

Join us at the Hudson Joint Area Library for a screening of Green Fire!  See the first full-length, high-definition documentary film ever made about legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold and his environmental legacy.  Green Fire shares highlights from his extraordinary career, explaining how he shaped conservation and the modern environmental movement.  It also illustrates how Leopold's vision of a community that cares about both people and land continues to inform and inspire people across the country and around the world, highlighting modern projects that put Leopold’s land ethic in action in a multitude of ways. Friends of the Hudson Library,the  Sierra Club, and the St. Croix Rowing Club are sponsoring three screenings of Green Fire for the community.  Attendance is free, but please pre-register by calling the library at 715-386-3101 or stopping at the circulation desk.

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